Source code for pv2web_ro.read_config

#!/usr/bin/env python

read XML configuration file for `pv2web_ro` package

# Copyright (c) 2005-2015, UChicago Argonne, LLC.
# See LICENSE file for details.

import os
from lxml import etree
import utils

ROOT_TAG = 'pv2web_ro__config'
XML_SCHEMA_FILE = 'config.xsd'

[docs]def read_xml(xml_file): ''' return the configuration details as a dictionary :param return: dictionary At minimum, the dictionary should contain these definitions for use by :meth:`pvwatch.PvWatch`: ======================== =============== ================================================= dictionary key example (type) description ======================== =============== ================================================= PVLIST_FILE pvlist.xml PVs to be monitored LOCAL_WWW_LIVEDATA_DIR ./localwww absolute path to local directory with "web site" LOG_INTERVAL_S 300 (float) writing messages to log file REPORT_INTERVAL_S 10 (float) updates to HTML pages SLEEP_INTERVAL_S 0.1 (float) sleeps at end of main loop MAINLOOP_COUNTER_TRIGGER 10000 (int) another logging message interval ======================== =============== ================================================= ''' if not os.path.exists(xml_file): raise IOError(xml_file + ' file not found') tree = etree.parse(xml_file) utils.validate(tree, XML_SCHEMA_FILE) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != ROOT_TAG: msg = 'XML root tag must be ' + ROOT_TAG msg += ', found: ' + root.tag raise ValueError(msg) conf = {} for node in tree.findall(".//var"): key = node.get('name') value = node.get('value') data_type = node.get('type', 'string').lower() if data_type in ( 'float', 'int' ): # represent number types as directed typeconversion = dict(float=float, int=int)[data_type] value = typeconversion(value) conf[key] = value return conf